Student Ministries

loving jesus together
Kerman Student Ministries is a group of students from Junior High to High School that are gathering to connect, have fun and learn about the love of Jesus.
When students gather and develop a love for Jesus and others, we are a better community because of it.
Come, be seen, be loved and be connect with others!
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love Jesus + Love others

Other Places to Grow & Belong at Kerman

come as you are, leave changed
We invite you to join us throughout the year for small groups, hangs and adventures together. We meet regularly to connect and grow in our understanding of the word of God and we want to hear how you're doing and what's going on in your life.
If you have something on your mind or you want to know more about connecting with Kerman Student Ministries, reach out!
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Whether you have questions about how we do church here at Northpointe or you just want to connect with our teams, we'd love to connect with you. Use the form here to let us know how we can best help you.
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