A place for life change
Learning to Follow Jesus, Together

Experience a community that's committed to life change.
Northpointe is a church founded in Northwest Fresno with a vision to create warm and welcoming spaces where people from every walk of life would be lovingly invited into life-changing relationship with Jesus.
We’re a community of Jesus-followers who will challenge you to live out God’s purpose, encourage you as you grow, and walk alongside you when you go through difficult times all as we seek to live out God’s kingdom-purpose here in our neighborhoods.
Looking For Life Change?
Be Part of a Church-Wide Bible Study Starting February 9.
Jesus looked at the Jewish Temple, a monumental achievement, and declared, “Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” The Temple wasn’t just a building; it was the dwelling place of God. However, being stationary, it limited access to His presence, and many began to drift away.
Jesus fulfilled the prophecy, “I will pour out my Spirit on all people,” “I will put a new spirit within them,” and “True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.” The Apostle Paul reinforces this, asking, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?”
Your body is now God’s dwelling place, and through His Spirit, believers bring His presence into the world.
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+ Church for your Family

We celebrate a God who defeated death for the sake of love.
That same power is for you, if you choose to accept it. You don't have to keep living the same story.
Today could be a new day and a chance at a new life, in Christ. You're invited to join us and see what God might change in you.
I want to know more about JesusFollowing the way of Jesus, together
A Place for Life Change
Who is Jesus the Christ?
What is the Gospel?

Take your next step of faith
As a local church in Northwest Fresno, we believe in doing life together and helping each other follow Jesus in our every-day lives. Whether you have been following Jesus for decades or you're not even sure what it means to follow Him at all, we know that you can discover how to embrace His way of life and begin to see changes in your own.
Want to connect with us?A Place for families to belong
Church for your kids

We want to team with you to empower your kids
We want to help you empower your kids to become Christ-centered individuals who are firmly anchored in the Bible and capable of making a positive impact on the world.
At Northpointe Kids, we invite kids into age-appropriate worship where they can belong to the family of God, grow in their relationship with Christ, learn to serve, and then go share Christ in the world!
Learn more about NPKidsMedia

Church News
Jump in to these upcoming events and find your place to belong. From local campus events to all-church celebrations, there’s something for everyone to get involved in at Northpointe.
Go to Church News to watch the video and get involved.
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