The fear of the Lord keeps us grounded in His authority in our lives
Cindy and John share the story of one of their scariest moments. We don’t always know why unexpected things happen in our lives. But, we can choose, like Cindy and John, to glorify God in even our most difficult moments.
No one is too far gone. There is nothing you can do, no distance you can run, no amount of brokenness that can cause God to stop loving you.
Life is full of storms. We go through seasons that feel like they are tossing us back and forth. That we’re being battered on rocks, and having giant waves crash over us. One after another. We feel like all we can do is try not to drown.
What do you do when it all falls apart?
How we can be ready to face life’s challenges head on!
Why we need to pay attention to the directions and road signs God shows us
Maybe God wants to do more through the response of His people than through the results of an election.
How should we respond when we have disagreements with other believers?
Being a good steward means that there will be times when we must do the hard right and trust that God will take care of the unseen.
We should be less concerned with winning an election than we are with sharing Christ with others.
When we are honest with ourselves and with God about how in need of a savior we are, He is faithful to forgive us and use us.