Toys & Essentials
Meeting the needs of the community at Christmas
Christmas is all about hope. Joy. The presence of God coming near to us.
But sometimes Christmas can just feel like stress, guilt, or frustration in not being able to provide for our families.
If you are in a tough spot, we would love to share the burden with you. Join us for Toys & Essentials:
Thursday, December 19
Northpointe Church - Milburn Campus
5:30PM Start Time
For each family that registers:
- you will have the opportunity to purchase ten tickets for ten dollars total.
- You will then get to “shop” for different toys costing between 1-3 tickets.
- Again, our hope is that you can then share the joy with us in purchasing a gift for your child for a very cheap price.
Children are not allowed to shop with you as the goal is for this to be a Christmas gift from you to your child. We are grateful for the way we can stand behind you, but we want you to be the hero.
There will be a short child program provided, so feel free to bring your children and check them in to participate in the fun! Just know they will not be permitted to enter the shopping area.
Register using the link below.
Register for Toys & Essentials
Please click below to register yourself and list all of your children you will be shopping for. You must reserve the entry time for when you would like to start shopping!
Register for Toys & Essentials