
Jump into a Bible reading plan

Do you want to jump in and begin reading the Bible with others? Follow our church on the Bible app and you can join one of the reading plans with us. Reading the Bible together with others has never been easier than with the Bible App. 

You can take it at your own pace, invite others to read with you and then meet up at a coffee shop to pray for each other if you want.

Follow us on the Bible App

Join a Bible Reading Plan

Lent is coming up and we're starting a Bible Reading Plan that helps us to be in the habit of reading scripture daily and reflecting on the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. 

Beginning on Wednesday, Feb 14th we'll be reading through the gospels in this 40 Days of Lent study.

Click below to start this study with other Northpointers!

Join the 40 Days of Lent Study

Lent for Kids

Lent is a time when we remember the events that led to Easter. Take time each day to read, study, and remember Jesus' commitment to loving us, even loving us to the very end, and giving us each hope and a future.

Click below to get access the website for the poster and more resources for you and your family. 

Use the link above to follow the YouVersion Bible Study 40 Days of Lent with the church family. 

Take me to more parent resources

Hear from God daily, wherever you are

To follow Jesus and know God personally, you have to hear His voice and learn about Him. The Bible is an incredibly powerful way that God speaks to us. If you want to hear from Him, you need to start reading the Bible and spending time in prayer.

An amazing resource for getting into the Bible is the Youversion Bible App, designed and supported by Life Church. This App can be installed direclty on to your phone, and will allow you to read the Bible anywhere, anytime.

Download the Bible App Today