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Vanessa's Story

Posted in Stories

Grace, Family, Love is a ministry in the Central Valley that meets the needs of those that have aged out of the foster care system into adulthood, without support to help bridge the gap between these two worlds. Grace, Family, Love provide a tangible support to these young lives and allow a space to grow in maturity and in a spiritual understanding of Jesus and his full and complete love for them. 

Vanessa's heart to offer her home and provide a space for this growth and development to take place is not only a true act of God, but it is a lead by the spirit to be helpful and loving. Her obedience should spur others on to trust the Lord, even in the places that are difficult and especially when it doesn't make sense. Faith is truly believing in something you can't prove or see, but also seeing the evidence of a loving God providing all we need for the road ahead. 

When God calls you to something, do you trust and obey? 
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More about Grace, Family, Love on their website