High School Ministry

HSM (High School Ministry) is a place where students can come as they are, and leave changed by the person of Jesus. We hope to create a positive faith environment where students are encouraged to become fully developing followers of Jesus. 

We offer engaging services, life-changing small groups, and awesome events.

Other Campuses

Other locations with Student Ministry

at Kerman

Connect with the students on the Kerman campus


Come as you are, 
leave changed

Find a group you can belong to

Everyone needs a group of friends to share life with. 

We meet weekly to talk, hangout and learn more about God and his plans for us. There is no perfect world, but there is a perfect God and he is all about loving us and guiding us to be the best we can be. 

Join a Small Group

Upcoming HSM Events

Come Lead with Us


We believe that when a caring, consistent, and committed adult is involved in the life of a student, change happens.

Will you consider being one of those caring adults?

A leader invests in a small group of students once a week, which run through the school year from Sep-May.

Join the Team!


Collin Crain
High School + Young Adults Pastor

Contact Us

Whether you have questions about how we do church here at Northpointe or you just want to connect with our teams, we'd love to connect with you. Use the form here to let us know how we can best help you.

Contact Us