Count Your Days and Make Your Days Count!
Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
What does it mean to “number our days”? Why would that be important for us to do?
If we back up just a few verses, starting at Psalm 90:10-12, it says: “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away. If only we knew the power of your anger! Your wrath is as great as the fear that is your due. Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
This passage is reminding us that our lives are short. In the grand scheme of things, our earthly lives are just a blip on the timeline of our eternity.
It can be tempting to think that our lives here don’t even really matter. That because we will have eternity after this, that this is all just futile. We might think that all we have to do is believe Jesus, and then look forward to eternity with Him for what matters.
But, this Psalm teaches us to “number our days”. The New Living Translation phrases it like this: “Teach us to make the most of our time…”
This is because the Psalmist, and God speaking through them, know that our days matter.
Think about it… You don’t keep track of things that don’t matter. If something is not valuable to you, you probably don’t really have a count of it, or treasure it.
But, if you had a stack of gold bars, you would know exactly how many you have. Or cars. Or houses. Or, your Pokemon card collection.
Or eggs… I guarantee you know how many eggs you have right now. (It’s February 2025, eggs are crazy expensive right now)
We count, or value, the things that matter to us.
God tells us to count and value our days. He wants us to know that our days matter. He has given us a purpose for how we spend our lives.
Not only does God want us to value our days because they matter. But, He wants to count them, or value the amount of days we have because they are finite. We do not have an unlimited number of days here
No one likes to talk about, or think about, death. But the reality is, and we are reminded in this Psalm, that we really only on average 70-80 years to live.
Our heavenly father, who created us and knows exactly what our life will be like, wants us to live it well. He’s telling us… Don’t waste it!
The best way to value the days that you have? To spend them with Jesus!
If you do not have a relationship with him, or you have not made the personal decision to follow him, you can do that today!
Just prayerfully admit that you need Jesus and you accept his help! After that, click the button below to connect with a pastor to let us know that you’re following Jesus!
Then, if you have a relationship with Jesus, we make sure our days count by using them to pursue him and sharing the truth of his love with others!
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