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When Is Jesus Coming Back?

Posted in Grow, Pathfinder

Pastor Shane Ham and guest Steve Gregg, share a conversation about the study of the End Times. - Eschatology 

Steve is a speaker and author of 'Revelation, The Four Views', which helps readers understand the four different ways that scholars and theologians have interpreted the apocalyptic literature in the Book of Revelation throughout history.

Steve explains that many modern evangelicals miss the fact that God has a plan for the world. Different views on eschatology offer different perspectives on how that plan will unfold. Some believe that God's plan will never be good until Jesus comes back, while others hold that God is working on extending his Kingdom throughout the world and this age.

Steve emphasizes that Christians should be engaged in spreading the Kingdom of God by making disciples and being involved in society in a redemptive way. This means that Christians should not just focus on preaching the gospel but should also be engaged in politics and social change. Steve explains that the Kingdom of God is spread by making disciples and by becoming more Christ-like.

"The goal is to make society more aware of God's ways and to bring positive change to the world." - Steve Gregg

This conversation highlights the importance of exploring different views on eschatology and understanding that God has a plan for the world that Christians should be working towards. Instead of just focusing on the end times, Christians should engage in growing the Kingdom of God and not just in the unfolding of the Eschatology or the End Times.